The owner of a popular ice cream business has expressed his anger and dismay after being told at short notice it cannot attend this weekend's Royal Manx Show.

Rory Dorling of Gelatory IoM was invited to be an exhibitor in DEFA’s food producers’ marquee at the two-day show which starts today at Knockaloe and is the biggest event in the island’s farming calendar.

But on Tuesday, just days before the event began, and after his team had already begun prepping for the show, Mr Dorling was informed by DEFA's chief officer Scott Gallacher that he could not attend after all - because the Royal Show has an exclusivity deal with Davison's.

This was despite Mr Dorling's raising the issue of the exclusivity deal on at least two occasions in June and July and been assured it was all in hand.

Mr Dorling said: ‘I’m a huge fan of The Royal Show. I think it’s a fantastic celebration of Manx farming and agriculture of which we at Gelatory are massive champions of, being high volume users of Manx milk and cream.

‘I’d love for us to attend the Royal Show to showcase our gelato and up until Tuesday of this week we were planning on being among a number of other brilliant Manx food producers in the DEFA marquee at the event.

‘Given the cancellation of the Food and Drink Festival (an event we were very excited to be a part of) we were informed that DEFA with their marquee would have a greater presence and showcase at The Royal to which they invited producers to exhibit at to make up for the cancellation of the Food and Drink Festival.

‘Sadly despite originally being told we were able to attend, on Tuesday afternoon I was informed by DEFA on the day before we were due to set up (and after already doing a lot of prep for the event) that we now weren’t allowed to attend because of an exclusivity / sponsorship agreement the show has with a vendor.

‘The irony of the email footer saying ‘Isle of Man. Giving you freedom to flourish’ was not lost on me.’

He added: ‘Businesses and organisations are of course free to conduct themselves however they see fit. Maybe I just think differently but I’m a great believer that competition is healthy  and more than anything choice for our Manx community is an important option to have.

‘Additionally I think it’s a shame that such a key event and celebration of the Isle of Man and farming appears to be a closed shop for businesses that want to also join that celebration.’

In an email sent to Mr Dorling on Wednesday, DEFA's chief officer Mr Gallacher wrote: 'It was with a very heavy heart I had to inform you that we were unable to have you in our marquee at the Royal Manx Show this coming Friday and Saturday.

‘We had in good faith, and with every bit of optimism, been looking forward to having you in our marquee at the show.

‘Unfortunately, off the back of a recent conversation with the Royal Manx Show and Ian Davison, it has been made very clear to us we do not have permission to have you in our marquee.

‘Davison’s is very clear that that their sponsorship of the show provides them with exclusivity. I appreciate this has been incredibly disappointing news, particularly at this stage in the lead up to the show.’

He described Gelatory as an ‘amazing product’ and offered Mr Dorling the opportunity to showcase it by providing him a pitch in the DEFA marquee at this year’s Manx Grand Prix.

Davison’s has a 10-year exclusivity deal with the organisers of the Royal Manx Show, which was updated and strengthened following the 2019 event.

Gelatory has outlets in Ramsey, Peel and Walpole Avenue, Douglas.