By Alan Vincent

A long-serving magistrate has retired from the bench after more than 28 years of service.

Pauline Cringle sat for the final time on Thursday, August 1, as members of the judiciary gathered to pay tribute to her.

Vice chair of the Isle of Man Magistrates’ Association David Nash said that Ms Cringle was held in high regard by her fellow magistrates, and had sat in all the summary courts over the years, as well as acting as chair of the bench.

He said that she had always demonstrated all the qualities required to be a magistrate and had also used her life experiences.

Mr Nash said that Ms Cringle's commitment to the Isle of Man courts had involved thousands of hours of time given freely, to protect and support the people of the island.

‘You will be greatly missed by your colleagues and on behalf of the Isle of Man Magistrates’ Association, we all extend our best wishes for a long and happy retirement,’ said the Vice Chairman.

Advocate Jim Travers paid tribute on behalf of the Manx bar, saying it was a celebratory, but sad moment.

He said that Ms Cringle had always shown compassion and wise judgement, and that the time she had given to the courts had been invaluable.

‘Enjoy your retirement and may I express a heartfelt thank you on behalf of the Manx bar for all your service, not only to the courts, but to the wider community,’ said Mr Travers.

Advocate Hazel Carroon paid tribute on behalf of the Attorney General's Chambers, saying: ‘It has always been a pleasure to appear in front of you.

‘We have always been extremely grateful for your considered application of the law.

‘We will very much miss you being part of our fraternity.’

Ms Cringle said that she had been surprised to be asked to consider becoming a magistrate back in 1995, and had been sworn in by Deemster Corrin in January 1996.

She said that it had been rewarding in so many ways, working alongside committed and dedicated people.

‘I will miss the friendship and camaraderie of my colleagues,’ said Ms Cringle.

The magistrate thanked Clerk to the Justices, Rebecca Cubbon, for her ‘commitment and  patience’, as well as Court Clerk Zoe Cannell for doing a ‘sterling job of keeping us all in order’.

‘Thank you to all magistrates past and present. 

‘It has been an honour and privilege to have served as a Justice of the Peace and magistrate for many years, and I feel very lucky to have done so,’ said Ms Cringle.