A further amber weather warning has been issued for the early hours of Friday morning.

Once again it relates to coastal overtopping and inner-harbour flooding.

Ronaldsway Met Office’s Kirsty Pendlebury said: ’Strong to gale force south to south-easterly winds, coupled with high spring tides will create some very large waves and lead to significant overtopping of sea water and debris onto exposed coastal roads and promenades.

‘This will occur for a couple of hours around the time of high tide (Fri, August 23 2:20am). The areas most at risk are all parts of Douglas Promenade, Shore Road Rushen, Castletown Promenade, Laxey and Ramsey promenades.

‘The high spring tides and large surge values will also lead to some inner harbour flooding in some of the island’s harbours around tonight's high tide.

‘In Douglas flooding is expected on the tongue, parts of Lake Road and the car parks riverside of Lake Road, and perhaps a risk of some minor flooding on North Quay.

‘For Ramsey the areas most at risk are Mezeron Corner and West Quay. Flood defences need to be deployed for Castletown harbour.’