Parents are being encouraged to enrol new primary school starters as soon as possible to ensure a ‘smooth and enjoyable start to their education’.

The Isle of Man Government’s Department for Education, Sport and Culture (DESC) has issued a timely reminder about prospective pupil enrolment this week.

Parents of children that turn five in the next academic year should enrol them with a school in their catchment area by January 31, 2025.

The government say that the move will enable schools to allocate staff and resources effectively.

Parents can find out their catchment school on the government website by simply entering their postcode, or by calling 685820 or emailing [email protected].

The DESC operates a catchment area system for the island’s maintained schools to ensure the efficient use of the Department’s resources, and to foster and encourage community spirit.

It is the general policy that a child should attend the school in the catchment area in which he/she resides.

If you are in the process of purchasing or leasing a property, your child can stay on at this school or move to the school in the new catchment area.

Requests for out of catchment places are usually only granted where there are sound educational reasons.

Those who are considering a request can refer to guidance notes for out of catchment area requests in the downloads section for further information.

Daphne Caine MHK, Minister for Education, Sport and Culture, said: ‘Starting school is an exciting time and we encourage parents to engage with their catchment school as early as possible to get them enrolled.’

Once enrolled nurseries, playgroups and childminders will work in partnership with schools to support each child’s unique transition into education.

Those who register will receive further information about starting school in due course.