The society's final meeting of 2024 began with a projection of images for the latest monthly challenge, the topic being ‘After Dark’.
The evening was introduced by society president, Andrew Cairns, who quickly summarised several changes to the scheduled 2024/25 programme.
The general nature of the topic had been chosen deliberately to ensure the widest possible range of subjects.
This was rewarded with a wonderful array of subjects and proved to be a highly entertaining start to the evening.
Audience participation was encouraged, though most of the images were introduced by their authors who described how each was taken and, in some cases, the equipment they had utilised.

It was fascinating to hear of the different approaches adopted. Some had opted to use long exposures to capture the moving brake lights on vehicles, for example, while others had chosen to experiment in other ways.
The closing deadline had been extended for the submission of entries.
This had been welcomed by the membership and had provided the necessary incentive to stimulate interest at this busy time of the year for everyone.
The current ‘Challenge’ is on the topic ‘Festive’, with entries being taken during December (up to January 5) – so there can be no excuses this time for not entering.
There followed a splendid social get-together of members and guests with a buffet, thanks to our honorary treasurer, Nigel Owen, and his wife, Adele, who were thanked profusely for finding the time to lay on such a spread.
Thanks were also offered to society stalwart, Sue Jones, for supplying the liquid refreshments once more.
So, to the changes announced at the outset by our president.
First, at 7pm on January 8, the club’s next meeting will be the recently postponed ‘Reflective Photography’ evening.
This will be a practical session in the form of a friendly workshop, with members being encouraged to bring along their own cameras to participate and receive optional guidance.
Members were reminded that print and projected digital entries would also be due in on the night for the second open competition in the programme.
The eagerly-anticipated three-way, friendly ‘battle’ then looms large, as it will be held on the February 5 at 7pm at the St John Ambulance headquarters.
It only now remains for the writer to take this opportunity, on behalf of the Society, to wish all readers of this column a healthy, prosperous and successful New Year.