Over its long and distinguished history, the Isle of Man Photographic Society, which is now fast approaching its 90th birthday has entertained many guest speakers.

So, it was unsurprising for members to be able to spend a wonderful evening in October in the company of photographer, Jason Kinrade, who gave a first-class demonstration of the art of portrait photography.

In the Isle of Man, we are so fortunate to be able to call upon such high-calibre, talent who are often willing to give of their valuable time to share their expertise with those less experienced in the world of photography.

Jason was accompanied by one of his most experienced models, Will Holden.

Jason is based in the island and, though initially happy to shoot landscapes for a living, has now developed a special interest in photographing people. He currently specialises in family groups, commercial, fashion and children.

A relative newcomer to photography, having only developed his craft in the last 10 years, he demonstrated a talent both as a photographer and as an eloquent speaker.

He has earned several prestigious awards, including accreditation from ‘Portrait Masters’.

Jason Kinrade snapped this photo Will Holden
Jason Kinrade snapped this photo Will Holden (Jason Kinrade)

Jason has also had his work featured in the Gallery and Agenda magazines and in Isle of Man Newspapers.

He admitted his pride at being accepted as one of the photographers who were invited to London Fashion Week. Modelled at this exciting, event, were designs by duo Preen from the Thornton Bregazzi fashion house in Notting Hill.

Jason admitted it was an amazing honour to have such an opportunity, which he felt reflected favourably on the quality of his personal, dramatic style of photography.

He had also attended the Gabrielle 'Coco' Chanel exhibition in London.

Jason Kinrade offers classes for those who wish to improve their photography, so the Society was extremely fortunate to have such an opportunity to learn first hand from such an experienced individual.

Returning to the subject of the evening’s tuition – portraiture - Jason was at pains to stress the importance of not attempting to rush and to show patience in relaxing the subject, checking constantly that the subject remains comfortable and happy throughout.

He also explained that the aim of a good photographer should be to ‘keep it simple’ and he offered many other helpful ‘tips and suggestions’.

Having studied with and been inspired by some of the industry notables, from Matt Porteous to Sue Bryce. He learnt that to derive the greatest satisfaction in his work, he needed to create memorable images that would be remembered for years to come.

To conclude the evening, Jason projected a selection of his work to the delight of everyone present.

After thanking Jason for a splendid tutorial and evening, the society president, Andrew Cairns, reminded members of the theme for the 2024 Summer Challenge which has a deadline of October 20.

The next gathering of members and guests will be on November 9 at the St John Ambulance headquarters at 7pm, when the entries are due in for the first Open Competition (Print and Digital).

More information about the Society can be found on the website iomps.com