A motorist who appears to have committed four violations in just one incident of bad parking has been shamed by police online.

Isle of Man Constabulary says it has received numerous complaints in relation to poor parking in Pulrose and has been patrolling the area in recent evenings to clampdown on the issue.

But even officers were shocked when the force was sent one photo of a vehicle badly parked in the area.

The eastern neighbourhood policing team posted the picture saying: ‘The last few evenings we have conducted some patrols focusing on the area of Pulrose where we often receive complaints.

‘One particular example was sent in of a vehicle parked on the pavement, in a bus stop, on double yellow lines and on a drop down kerb. Not a good example at all and hopefully it will have been a “one off”.

‘We are happy to report we have not observed this ourselves at this time but would like to advise people to park legally and considerately at all times.’

In an earlier post the eastern neighbourhood policing team warned people not to park illegally.

It said: ‘We have received numerous complaints about parking in the Pulrose area.

‘While it is nice to be able to park outside your home address, this is not always possible and there is no legal entitlement to do this. Reserved spaces are an exemption to this of course!

‘Please ensure vehicles are parked within marked spaces only. There are plenty available in the area which are often near empty.

‘Parking on grass verges, pavements and double yellow lines makes life difficult for those with disabilities and prams and causes obstructions for public transport and emergency services.

‘Vehicles found in breach of parking regulations are likely to find themselves with a fine. We are on duty 24 hours a day so don’t get caught out!’