A major autumn rally event had to be cancelled after organiser were unable to complete safety documents in time.

The Chris Kelly Memorial Stages rally event later this year has been cancelled for 2024 as the organisers have not ‘gained consent from the Department of Infrastructure DOI)‘ to run the annual event.

The directors of Manx Autosport said the application was submitted in October last year but was told by the Department of Infrastructure in March 2024 to re-submit all the information required to run the rally which gave them just three weeks.

At this week’s House of Keys Jason Moorhouse asked Minister for Enterprise Timothy Johnston about the economic impact of the rally and what submissions his department had made prior to the DOI cancelling the event.

Mr Johnston said the rally organisers claim an estimated £750,000 was spent in the island by some 100 rally visitors, including competitors and marshals based on each one spending five nights over here. They expected a similar figure for September’s rally.

Mr Johnston said: ‘While we were keen to support the rally organisers safety is of the utmost importance.

‘The DOI was clear documents must completed to the required safety standards and the deadline agreed. But a successful resolution could not be achieved. We are disappointed but look forward to the next event in May 2025.’

Mr Moorhouse was also due to ask DOI Minister Tim Crookall why the event was cancelled but the House of Keys ran out of time and will now be submitted as a written question.

Earlier this month Manx Autosport posted on Facebook said the says that the information contained in the application included an Event Safety Plan, an Event Risk Assessment, an overall stage plan and the application form.

But it went on to say: ‘The club did not submit a Traffic Management Plan and Stage Safety Plan as it had not received an acceptance for the proposed route.

‘The club followed the protocol that it has used several times with the exception that it started the application many months earlier following a request to do so from the Department of Infrastructure.

‘On March 30 2024 the club re-submitted its amended plans to the Department but this was also rejected, on May 14 2024, for the same reasons.

‘At no point have the directors and team at Manx Autosport been made aware of what in, particular, the department was unhappy with, but the club’s application emphasised that all its documents were live and could and would be improved upon or extended as and when required.

‘Manx Autosport is disappointed that so many volunteers, competitors and Isle of Man businesses will feel let down by this decision.’