Pupils at a southern primary school have been getting creative and learning about the importance of safety on building sites.

In a project organised by the Dandara Group, children in Years 2 to 6 at Ballasalla School were asked to design posters promoting safety to anyone passing or visiting the nearby Reayrt Mie housing development.

It followed a presentation to the entire school from the homebuilder’s health and safety manager, Paul Roberts.

As a result a series of colourful and informative safety posters which will now be displayed on the site as the second and third phases of the development continue.

Paul said: ‘Before we begin work on any development, and throughout the construction process, we make sure we communicate with all members of the local community and keep them updated on progress.

‘This includes local schools in the area, so it was a pleasure to be invited into Ballasalla Primary School and speak with the children and their teachers about safety.

‘We have been very impressed by their creativity and it is clear they were very attentive during the presentation, which was evident in the design of their posters and messages they included, ranging from the need to wear protective clothing to site dangers and how to stay safe on and near a site.

‘The winning posters will be enlarged and displayed at Reayrt Mie so that anyone passing by or visiting can see the important safety messages they’ve created.’

The posters selected were created by Maisy, Corey, Olivia, Violet and Elsa in their respective years.

Dandara is a member of the Considerate Constructors Scheme and the homebuilder regularly visits schools to promote safety and talk about the construction profession.

Paul added: ‘Safety is our priority, and we want to make everyone aware of why they should never access a site unsupervised.’