A farmer has urged ‘lynch parties to stand down’ after an image of a man using pliers to remove wire from a fence while watching the TT was widely shared on social media.

The post which showed a man using pliers to tamper with fencing at Conker Fields on the right-hand side, opposite the K tree, on the approach to Ramsey. The photo was taken during racing this week.

The image sparked huge anger with the spectator being widely condemned for ‘vandalism’. It appears he was removing the top layer of barbed wire so he could lean on the fence.

However, the farmer who owns the land and fence, has played down the incident and praised the majority of well-behaved TT spectators.

Reacting on Facebook, he said: ‘Just a quick comment from the resident farmer (myself ) at the Conker Fields about the incident with the spectator and the fence yesterday. I’ve been and inspected the fence and the damage is really very minimal.

‘Yes, the man was a complete idiot for interfering with the fence, but I believe he does not reflect the good nature and behaviour of 99 per cent of the fans who go to the Conker Fields to spectate.

‘Any lynch parties can now stand down.’

He also urged people to respect the fences and the land, clear up after themselves, adhere to the rules and enjoy watching the bikes.

Police also responded to the incident and backed up what the farmer said.

In a Facebook post, the force said: ‘We are aware of the incident at the Conker Fields and have liaised with the resident farmer there.  He has posted a message to confirm that the matter is resolved and has offered the following sensible advice to those who are spectating from various points.’