TT 2024 has lost another battle with the weather, Friday’s schedule becoming the latest to be postponed because of rain and low cloud.

The festival has been dogged with wet weather, forcing organisers to write and then re-write numerous qualifying and race day schedules.

Roads were meant to close at 10am on what should have been the penultimate day of racing, but this never happened and updates later in the day ultimately brought bad news after the forecast rain arrived around lunchtime.

The organisers’ latest update at 3pm read: ‘Due to the current weather conditions and the forecast for the remainder of the day, the Clerk of the Course Gary Thompson has confirmed no racing will take place today.

‘There is currently heavy rain to the north and west of the island, with more rain forecast into the evening and low cloud and mist developing on the Mountain. Conditions are not expected to improve until at least 8pm.’