A red flag in this morning’s Sidecar TT has forced another rejig of Thursday’s schedule.

Todd Ellis and Emmanuelle Clement came off at Waterworks on the opening lap blocking the road and causing the race to be stopped.

Both are reported as okay.

Outfits have been brought back to the Grandstand under escort by the travelling marshals.

The Superstocks will now take place at 12.15pm after a further 15-minute delay, with a restarted sidecar race at 2.15pm. It remains two laps.

The Supersport Race Two will now go at 3.30pm, but showers are forecast for this afternoon.

Revised schedule: Thursday, June 6

12pm Superstock TT Race One (three laps)

2.15pm Sidecar Race Two (two laps)

3.30pm Supersport Race Two (three laps)

Roads are due open, no later than 5pm

Roads can close again between 6pm and 9.30pm if needed.