Jim Hunter is one of seven traveling marshals at the Isle of Man TT, and a former rider in both the TT and Manx Grand Prix.

His role is vital for racing to go ahead.

It’s well known that the Mountain Course isn’t your average racetrack, so a normal marshalling system isn’t enough.

The TT introduced travelling marshals in 1935, when the lap record stood at 86mph, roughly 50mph slower than today.

That year there were only two Travelling Marshals, one based at the start, the other in Ramsey.

Their primary duty was to search for missing riders – this was long before there were radio links around the course.

Now there’s seven, and they all ride Honda’s latest CBR1000RR-R Fireblade, which are equipped with trauma-treatment medical kits, tracking devices, two-way radios, for communicating with Race Control, and warning lights linked to the red and yellow warning boards around the circuit.

We spoke to Jim Hunter, traveling marshal number two, who in his own words gave us his top five spots to watch the racing when he’s not busy working hard.

The Railway Inn, Union Mills Easy access via the Lhergy Crypperty from Douglas and south of the island when roads are closed.

The best view is from the pub's beer garden.

This sequence of corners is a real challenge for the riders - very fast approach, hard braking then into the right, left flick over the railway bridge.

Expect to see them making a big effort on this one as struggle to carry as much momentum as possible to shoot them up the impending Ballahutchin Hill. Note: the Pub Landlord, Tony, is a 'Baggies' fan, but don't let that put you off.  Always great hospitality at the Railway!

Gorsea Lea

An absolute 'must see'.

This astonishingly fast right hand sweep epitomises what the lower section of the TT course is all about.

Riders come into view through the less severe right hand kink at Cronk Breck Farm, then sweep to the left had side of the road to give the best racing line through Gorse Lea itself.

When riders sweep to the left they really are within touching distance of those brave enough to sit up on the spectator wall.

This is a corner where the likes of Hickman, Dunlop and Harrison make a lot of time because it is just so FAST. Get there early for the best place to sit. Access to the south off the island when roads are closed via the Kennaa Road. Legendary welcome and hospitality. Ginger Hall

Fantastic viewing from the pub as the bikes sweep in to view from Sulby Bridge through the long, long left hander which has it's apex point opposite the Yn Claddagh road junction.

The pub itself is well worth a visit with loads of interesting Mountain Course memorabilia to browse through in between races. 

If you park in the right place you can access viewing locations on Sulby Straight and also take a run up through the beautiful Tholt y Will  Glen to the Bungalow if the weather's up to it! Conker Fields AKA 'K' Tree This section of the course has really gained in popularity over recent years and it's not difficult to see why.

Huge challenge for the riders as they power through from Glentramman on maximum throttle, front wheels pawing the air as they negotiate the tricky change of direction opposite the famous 'K' tree.

Another thing I love about this section is watching the riders go out of view as they line themselves up for the Sky Hill, Milntown/Pinfold Cottage section.

If you're real lucky and you get a nice still practice evening, you can hear the bikes right down through Gardner's Lane and School House Corner in to Ramsey. Beautiful.

This is another section where you expect to see the top guys really making up loads of time. Can't comment on the catering at this one because for me, when ever I get the chance to head down the Lezayre Road to watch from here I've always got my barbecue with me! Word of caution - access is not possible when the roads are closed.

Brandywell If the weather's good, take the opportunity to head up to the highest point on the course.

You can see the bikes coming in to view as they negotiate the Verandah section of the course, 2 miles away.

Then they disappear before coming in to view again at the Bungalow.

From here it's flat out up Hailwood Heights before coming in to the tricky Brandywell section.

Riders have to scrub off a lot of speed to get through the right, left click before disappearing again down towards the 32nd Milestone.

What I love about this section is that there are whole variety of different racing lines, which can be quite un-nerving to watch at first because you can get quite used to seeing the vast majority of riders sticking to exactly the same piece of tarmac. Good access to Barregarrow via the Beinn-y-Phott Road and also Douglas/Union Mills if you take the West Baldwin route through Injebreck.

If you fancy stretching your legs, take a walk down to the Bungalow and call in the Victory Cafe for a wonderful Pie and Chips lunch.

Interested in what other key TT people’s top spots are? Read legendary commentator Roy Moore’s top five (actually six) spots here.