Police were forced to shut the Mountain Road early this morning after a walker was spotted on the route.

The pedestrian was seen walking ‘against the flow of traffic’ in a move the force has branded a ‘massive safety risk.’

It is unclear what section of the Mountain Road the incident happened at or how long the road was closed for.

In a video update issued online earlier, a representative for the force said: ‘We had to shut the Mountain [Road] earlier.

‘Someone was walking against the flow of traffic in the grey and the mist.

‘Not great to be honest, not a wise move.’

The update sparked a lengthy debate online with a number of the force’s social media fans speaking out on the issue.

One questioned what the pedestrian had ‘done wrong’ given that they were walking against the flow of traffic, in-line with the guidelines featured in the highway code.

But a spokesperson for the force hit back at the commenter, saying: ‘Walking in the mist camouflaged by their clothing on a derestricted one way road with no pavement.

‘Without being funny it’s a massive safety risk to the walker and other road users.’

And many agreed with the force.

One fan said: ‘Bottom line - it was unsafe to walk on the road - this risks his own and others lives.

‘He gets hurt, it’s the police and paramedics who have to risk their lives getting him out of it.

‘Well done IoM Police.’