As the dust settles on the Isle of Man TT 2024, many people on the island are no doubt experiencing the familiar 'TT blues' - a hangover from the exhilarating fortnight of racing, camaraderie and celebration.

With the roar of the engines now quiet, we're left reflecting on the highlights and moments of this year's event.

We hit the streets to hear from visitors before they depart about their experience of the island and TT 2024.

Gary and Karen Chadderton, from Oldham, were delighted with the entire fortnight and will be returning next year.

Gary and Karen Chadderton, from Oldham
Gary and Karen Chadderton, from Oldham (Media Isle of Man)

Gary said: ‘It was great, I know there was lots of stoppages but all I saw was enough sunshine, there were tiny bits of rain here and there but we ended up seeing a lot of racing.

‘I have no complaints at all.’

Karen said: ‘I loved watching at Braddan Church. It’s always easy to get to and you’re giving money to the church and it’s nice to give things back.’

Gary added: ‘I wouldn’t pay anywhere else in the island because there’s loads of places to watch but I don’t mind giving money to the church.’

Owen Smith, Billy Taggart, Charlie McMaster and Billy McMaster all agreed that this year was an excellent TT and loved staying in Laxey.

Owen Smith, Billy Taggart, Charlie McMaster and Billy McMaster
Owen Smith, Billy Taggart, Charlie McMaster and Billy McMaster (Media Isle of Man )

Billy McMaster said: ‘It was very good, the weather got in the way a bit but it wasn’t too bad.

‘We liked watching at Kirk Braddan and the Gooseneck, and I enjoyed every single race.

‘Even the sidecars are just brilliant, and there’s not enough of them, there should be more.

‘It was brilliant to see the Manx boys, the Crowes, win the two sidecar races, and Davey Todd win the senior, just brilliant.

‘We’ll be back next year, and hopefully for the Manx Grand Prix as well.

‘We stayed in Laxey and it was class - loved it.’

Trevor Wright and Helen Grundy, from County Durham, said they were blown away by the speeds and Signpost corner is there number one spot.

Trevor Wright and Helen Grundy
Trevor Wright and Helen Grundy (Media Isle of Man )

Trevor said: ‘It’s been very good again, and you can’t help the weather at all.

‘That last Saturday was the main day, it was great, it’s a shame the senior wasn’t six laps but the four were terrific to watch.

‘We just absolutely loved Signpost Corner, it was very quick.’

Paul Ambler and Cara Townsend loved this year and said next year they’re going to marshal at the TT to give something back.

Paul Ambler and Cara Townsend
Paul Ambler and Cara Townsend (Media Isle of Man )

Cara said: ‘It was awesome, we got the racing in and it was great.

‘We went to Greeba Castle and the Creg-ny-Baa and they were our favourite places.

‘I was rooting for Michael Dunlop, and I was also hoping Dean Harrison would come through with a mad win.

‘But I’m glad that the winners were spread out and it wasn’t just one racer with the lot.’

Paul added: ‘For me, you can’t beat the Creg, get a pint and watch them come down from Kate’s Cottage, fantastic.

‘We’re going to marshal next year, and we’ll do it anywhere. It’s not just about watching it’s giving something back to the event, these riders are coming over here risking their lives and we want to give something back to them.’