An artist from Ballymoney in Northern Ireland has gifted oil paintings of two of his hometown’s most famous TT stars, Joey and Robert Dunlop, to the people of the Isle of Man.

Simon Moye sent his paintings to the Chief Minister last week accompanied by a handwritten letter expressing his gratitude for the ‘hospitality and kindness’ shown to him and his wife Lucy during their first ever visit to the island this summer.

The 42-year old said the artworks were a ‘small token of his appreciation’.

He added: ‘It was our first time in the island and we were well looked after everywhere we went. I grew up a few miles from the Dunlops and used to play with Michael and William as a child. The paintings seemed like a fitting way to say thank you.’

Simon Moye and his wife Lucy on their recent visit to the island
Simon Moye and his wife Lucy on their recent visit to the island (-)

Simon’s paintings will go on display at the Mike Hailwood Foundation Centre, behind the TT Grandstand in Douglas, in line with his wishes for them to be enjoyed by the Manx people.

Chief Minister Alfred Cannan MHK said: ‘I would like to offer my sincere and grateful thanks for the wonderful portraits and I hope Simon and his wife will come back to see them soon.’

Simon, who also works at a hospital in Coleraine, added: ‘We had such a good time on our first trip that we will certainly return and we’re already making plans to visit in the autumn.

‘The links between Ballymoney and the island are strong with the motorbike racing and I can’t wait to explore the island further.’

The Dunlop brothers won more than 30 TT races between them, with older brother Joey’s long-standing record of 26 wins finally broken by Robert’s son Michael at the 2024 event.