A TT visitor’s only view of the Isle of Man has been the ferry terminal, a police cell and the court after he was arrested for bringing in cocaine.

Liam Utting, 25, was stopped by customs and excise officers in the ferry terminal after arriving on the Manxman at 6.15am on Thursday. He was due to spend six days on holiday in the Isle of Man and enjoy the racing but his trip proved memorable for all the wrong reasons.

Utting appeared before High Bailiff James Brooks at Douglas Courthouse on Friday where he admitted unlawful production of cocaine and obstructing a customs and excise officer.

The court heard how Utting, of Ferguson Drive in Skipton, North Yorkshire, arrived on the boat with a few friends for a six-day holiday. They had planned on going drinking before finding a campsite.

However, Utting was stopped by customs and excise officers to answer some questions but he refused and was arrested.

He was taken to police headquarters where he was searched and nine snap bags containing cocaine were found in his underwear. The total amounted to 2.9 grammes worth around £90.

Utting said the class A drugs were for his own personal use which was accepted by the prosecution.

Defence advocate Winston Taylor told the court his client apologised for the ‘silly mistake’ and came to the island for a six-day holiday with a few friends.

Mr Brooks was asked to consider an exclusion order as Utting has no ties to the island but the High Bailiff chose not to issue one.

Utting was fined £1,200 for the drug offence and a further £300 for obstructing a customs and excise officer. He was also ordered to pay £125 costs.

The fines were ordered to be paid forthwith or Utting would have to serve 84 days in prison.