The process is beginning this month to phase out the copper telecoms network in the island which will be replaced by fibre.

The Communications and Utilities Regulatory Authority for the Isle of Man (CURA) says the phase out is beginning in the west and north.

Manx Telecom’s copper network is being replaced with a fibre optic network and the process of rolling that out is nearing completion.

This means that the old copper network is being withdrawn from service and consumers who still have a copper-based service will have to switch to another service to stay connected. The entire copper network is scheduled to be switched off by 2029.

A spokeswoman for CURA said: ‘The plan put in place will give consumers as much notice as possible that the copper service in their area will be withdrawn and you will be contacted by your service provider to let you know exactly what will happen.’

The island has been divided into six different zones and will be transferred in phases. Copper withdrawal begins this month with Zone 1 (to include Foxdale, Kirk Michael and St John’s) and Zone 2 (Andreas, Ballaugh, Bride, Jurby and Sulby).

It is expected completing zones 1 and 2 will take 12 months, Dates for zones 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be confirmed in due course.

The CURA spokeswoman said: ‘While many consumers/users have already switched away from the old copper service, there are going to be a number of people who will need some extra support and advice during this process and we are all working hard to put this in place.

‘If you rely on copper-dependent technology such as care devices, lift lines, alarm lines or similar systems, please contact your service provider to discuss a tailored transition plan.

‘If you are someone who may need additional assistance, please contact CURA by telephoning us on 677022 or emailing [email protected].’

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