With the island’s two roundels featuring in the press recently after being named on a list of the ‘UK’s most confusing roads’, we asked members of the public if they know what to do when approaching them and whether they thought they were a good idea.
Heitor Vidal is from Portugal and said he hasn’t seen anything like the roundels on Douglas Promenade.
He said: ‘I’ve never seen any roundabouts like this – it’s quite confusing and probably even more confusing for foreigners and those who drive on the other side of the road.
‘I do feel like I know how to use them but it would be better if they had put normal regular roundabouts in, even if it’s quite different to other ones as they clearly want something different there.
‘During TT especially, with all the motorbikes, it can be confusing as people from abroad tend to give priority to the wrong way.’

Mandy Snowden, from Douglas, witnessed a crash at the Broadway roundel on Sunday and avoids them completely.

She said: ‘Two cars coming from different directions hit each other, and I can see why incidents happen there.
‘I’d rather just normal roundabouts. They’re not good for an area that size.
‘It’s totally confusing, you come out the Sea Terminal and you have a normal roundabout and you go along the prom and you have a not normal roundabout. It’s bizarre.
‘I avoid them completely, especially after seeing the incident last Sunday.
‘It’s not clear at all, and people are looking at the effect on the road and less on actually driving.’
David Hobson, from Douglas, said: ‘I don’t have any problem with them [the roundels], but I think one of the things they made a mistake with is that there is no identification now.

‘If there was a sign that said “roundel” or “roundabout” then you’d know you’re approaching one, but there’s nothing at all!
‘We’re okay with them as we live here, we know what to do by giving way to the right, and I think the majority of local people do the same.
‘We’ve seen it progress over the years and how long it’s taken, a long, long time.
‘I’m 84, and have been driving more than 60 years so I know how to drive, but I’ve always been taught you’re not driving for yourself, you’re driving for other people.
‘I don’t know if I’m happy with the promenade in general – a lot of money has been spent on it.’
Malcolm Samuels and Nigel Kermode aren’t happy with the roundels, with Michael avoiding driving on the Promenade completely.

Mr Samuels said: ‘I won’t use them, they’re too confusing.
‘Some people say they treat them as a give way and some people say they treat them as a roundabout.
‘Nobody gives you any definite article on it.
‘They should make it clearer for people to know what they actually are.
‘I won’t use the prom at all, because of the roundels. Even with the crossings now, nobody know what are zebra crossings and which ones you can walk straight across.’
Nigel Kermode, from Onchan, added: ‘I use them both and I find them okay sometimes but a lot of the time it’s a little bit difficult to get through.’