We cannot keep spending money and time building flood defences to protect our businesses. Something needs to be done, say Laxey business owners.

The owners of restaurant La Mona Lisa and Laxey Laundry are once again calling for government bodies to regularly maintain the river and get rid of obstacles blocking the flow of water following the most recent flooding crisis to hit the village.

Richard Henthorn of Laxey Laundry and Bernie Sullivan of La Mona Lisa said they were bailing water for seven hours to prevent it from entering their businesses on Monday (October 1).

’I was flooded really badly in 2015. It nearly ruined my business,’ said Mr Henthorn. After that I put a lot of measures into place - an aluminium barrier, two high-powered pumps which rings my phone up if water is on the floor. That came into play on Monday at 7am.’

As the two businesses share a driveway they worked together to bail the water out.

’It’s frustrating. Yes there are things that are out of our control, but drainage, maintenance and holes in the wall can be controlled,’ Ms Sullivan said.

’We’re constantly over the last four years corresponding with the government asking them to manage the Laxey river. Clear the drains out, make bigger industrial flood drains.

’We’re in the rainy season and we’re out here doing everything we can to protect our properties.’

Mr Henthorn added: ’We want action, not words.’