So, another TT comes to an end.

From the feedback I had from various people financially involved it seems that many fans voted with their feet and didn’t come this year.

The government’s crass stupidity and sheer greed have put another nail in the coffin.

Why on earth did they try to fix something that obviously didn’t need fixing?

They messed around with a time-honoured formula and tried to squeeze in far too much in order to make more money.

It is only by the grace of fate that we had good weather because the new timetable left no room for manoeuvre if a race got rained off, had to be postponed or worse still cancelled, due to accident or other problems.

They tried to squeeze a quart into a pint pot.

Also they used to have a post TT Steam Packet race on the Billown circuit to ease the flow of returning fans

Where did that go?

Not content with losing that, they killed off the highlight of the two weeks – Mad Sunday – and replaced it with a ride-out.

To add insult to injury, TT merchandise, food, ices, spectators’ seating, prices of accommodation – except those dedicated home stay offerers who, true to the spirit of theTT continue to give good value for money - were so ridiculously high that one loyal fan, who comes all the way from America each year swore and said he was not * * * * * * going to pay such * * * * * * prices!

In fact I doubt if he will bother to come again. He will not be the only one.

I am livid with a government whose greed and stupidity have all but threatened to kill off the TT and brought our beautiful island into disrepute.

I can only hope that next year they have the guts to listen to the public opinion they ignored this year and manage to salvage what’s left and reinstate the TT that the fans – and the general public - know and love.

Rosie Scott

Friary Park


This letter was first published in the Isle of Man Examiner of June 20.

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