Motiv8 Addiction Services has confirmed that the Lieutenant Governor Sir John Lorimer has agreed to become the patron of the charity.

His Excellency recently visited Motiv8 to meet with the team and talk in depth about how they work, both individually and in support of the mission of the charity.

Motiv8’s overarching aim is to provide a support service for individuals and families to reduce harm associated with alcohol, drugs, gambling and gaming.

The charity offers support to anyone across the island through one-to-one and group counselling, helping people make changes to their lives and looking to keep families together.

Talking about meeting the charity, His Excellency said: ‘It was terrific to meet with all the team members and I very much enjoyed the opportunity to learn about their roles, acknowledging the broad experience of the team members and their diverse backgrounds and expertise.

‘It was very humbling to be able to speak to the group of service users. Meeting with people who have made such significant changes in their lives demonstrates what the charity does on a daily basis.

‘In addition, meeting a young person who has been supported by the charity for more than half of their life shows the need for long term support through a child’s most formative years.

‘This gives them the support to understand that things are not their fault and the space to talk with a therapist in a safe space.’

Thea Ozenturk, chief executive of Motiv8, said: ‘We continue to challenge the misunderstanding and prejudice that surrounds addictive behaviours and prevents people coming forward to get help. Early intervention is key if we are to end the cycle of harm across our island.

‘Having His Excellency as our patron will help to spread the word about our work, which is often only found when someone has reached the stage of dependency. We want people to reach out in the early stages of a problem developing.

‘Motiv8’s commitment to our island community is unwavering and in an ever-changing landscape, with more and more people seeking our support.’

Chairman of Motiv8, Gary Lamb, added: ‘We are deeply honoured that the Lieutenant Governor has joined our charity as patron, showing his commitment to lifting the stigma that surrounds addiction, so that more people can ask for help. It will have a profound positive impact.

‘As we approach our 47th year and head towards half a century in 2028, we are looking at how best to develop our future services.

‘It’s a real boost to receive the news that His Excellency has joined as our patron, in recognition of the amazing job that the charity does in the island.’