A 64-year-old shoplifter from Anagh Coar has been fined £400 for stealing lager and cigarettes.
Graham Peter Skillicorn admitted taking Budweiser and a packet of Benson and Hedges after his bank card was declined at Spar.
Acting Deputy High Bailiff Jayne Hughes also ordered him to pay £125 prosecution costs.
A second charge which he had denied, of common assault, was dismissed after the prosecution offered no evidence.
Prosecuting advocate Roger Kane told the court that Skillicorn went to the Spar store in Anagh Coar on November 5, at 3.30pm.
He was going to buy 10 cans of Budweiser and 20 Benson and Hedges cigarettes, but his card was declined several times.
The shop assistant asked him to return the items but Skillicorn took the carrier bag containing them and tried to leave.
He dropped the bag and some of the cans were damaged.
The assistant tried to stop him but Skillicorn pushed her arm away and left without paying for the items.
Police arrested him later that afternoon and during an interview he admitted he had left without paying.
He said that he didn’t remember pushing the assistant’s arm, but added that he would not deny it.
The court heard that Skillicorn’s last conviction was more than two years ago.
Defence advocate James Peterson said: ‘The facts speak for themselves.
‘It is a relatively low value shoplifting offence.’
Mr Peterson asked for credit to be given for his client’s guilty plea and said that he had been in custody since his arrest, as he had not wanted to make a bail application.
Skillicorn, who lives at Cushag Road, will pay the fine and costs at a rate of £10 per week, deducted from benefits.