A 53-year-old man has been fined £900 for disorderly behaviour at the Central pub in Ramsey.

Simon Brown had previously denied the allegation, with a pre-trial review set to be held.

However, on Thursday, March 13, he changed his plea to guilty.

Magistrates also ordered him to pay £300 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Kate Alexander told the court that police were called to the Central at Parliament Square on New Year’s Day, at 12.45am.

When officers arrived, they heard Brown shouting and swearing at another male.

He was said to be being passively restrained by the public.

Brown was escorted out by police and was described as slurring his words, and having glazed eyes.

A female was said to have tried to intervene and pull Brown away from the police.

Brown was said to have also been resistant, pulling away, and was subsequently Pava sprayed.

Defence advocate Paul Glover said that his client accepted that his behaviour had been disorderly, but pointed out that he had not been charged with resisting police.

Mr Glover said that Brown had been involved in an argument with another man in the pub, after alcohol had been consumed, but that it was a relatively low-level disorder offence.

The advocate went on to say that his client had been out of trouble for just short of three years, and asked magistrates to deal with the offence by way of a financial penalty.

‘He is regretful of his actions that night,’ said Mr Glover.

‘Tensions escalated and he engaged in a confrontation. He accepts he shouldn’t have gotten involved.’

Brown, who lives at Pairk Ollay, will pay the fine and costs at a rate of £50 per month.