A 49-year-old man got so drunk he ended up being taken to hospital twice in one night.

Hugh Simpson Macowan was discharged but then drunk half a litre of whisky on his way home again.

He admitted being drunk in a public place and was fined £165, plus £125 prosecution costs.

The court heard that the defendant was initially at Noble’s Hospital, due to having consumed too much alcohol, on August 13.

He was put in a taxi to be taken home, but during the journey, he stopped off and bought half a litre of whisky, which he then drank.

Macowan fell asleep in the taxi and police were called as he couldn’t be roused.

He was described as incoherent and barely able to open his eyes, so he was taken back to the hospital, and was arrested for his own welfare.

The court heard that he has no previous convictions.

Defence advocate Emily Brennan asked for credit to be given for her client’s guilty plea and said that he had been going through some family issues at the time.

‘He accepts this is not how he should deal with them,’ said the advocate.

Ms Brennan said that Macowan was now receiving assistance and wanted to apologise to the court.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood ordered the defendant, who lives at Ballajora Hill in Maughold, to pay the fine and costs at a rate of £100 per month.