Manx Care’s clinical directors have publicly voiced their support for chief executive Teresa Cope and the board of directors amid concerns over the health service’s financial management.

In a statement released this evening, the clinical directors emphasised their backing for Ms Cope, praising her leadership since the establishment of Manx Care in 2021.

They highlighted the ongoing work to implement the recommendations from the Sir Jonathan Michael report and deliver on the organisation’s mandate.

The statement reads: ‘Since the inception of Manx Care the CEO Teresa Cope and the Board of Directors have been working to deliver the Mandate and the Sir Jonathan Michael’s recommendations.

‘The Clinical Directors express their full support for the CEO of Manx Care Teresa Cope and the Board of Directors in achieving these outcomes.

‘We look forward to working with Teresa and the Board to continue the progress and achievements made so far with Manx Care.’

It comes after it was revealed earlier this month that Manx Care is forecasting a £16.8m overspend for the current financial year.

Despite receiving an additional £43.8m in the Budget, funded in part by a 2p increase in the higher rate of income tax, the health body’s spending has continued to spiral.

Chief Minister Alfred Cannan recently expressed concern, stating that Manx Care’s overspending is ‘destabilising already finely-balanced’ government finances and that an immediate turnaround plan is essential.

His comments were made during the opening address of the two-day Government Conference, where he outlined the core priorities for his administration over the next year.

A petition was recently started, by a former employee at Manx Care, calling for Chief Executive Teresa Cope to resign.

The petitioner - who also set up the 'Save our Health Services' Facebook page - claims Manx Care has warned staff not to sign the document.

The petition has 187 signatures at the time of writing.