A 40-hour weather warning comes into operation later tonight (Tuesday) for gales, coastal overtopping and harbour flooding.

Issued by the Met Office at Ronaldsway, the yellow warning says adverse conditions are expected to affect the island from 11pm this evening until 3pm on Thursday afternoon (August 24).

Forecaster Colin Gartshore said: ‘A period of very unsettled weather for summer will occur through the second half of this week.

‘The overnight period Wednesday into Thursday will see gale or severe gale force southerly winds developing, with gusts of around 55 mph for a time, before easing late morning.

‘Whilst relatively normal for winter, these wind strengths in summer are more unusual, so precautions are advised for sensitive places, e.g. campsites.

‘Also, large spring tides are likely to result in coastal overtopping for the rest of the week around the time of high tide at susceptible locations.

‘This will be most pronounced at the high tide early Thursday morning (approx. 1.39am), the waves and debris then will mean that driving/ parking in exposed coastal areas is not advised for a time, for the likes of the north of Douglas promenade.

‘Some harbour flooding is also possible, but this will be advised if necessary closer to the time, as will further updates to other aspects of this warning.’

Castletown commissioners has said it will reinstall the flood boards on Douglas Street in the ancient capital and added it is in dialogue with the Department of Infrastructure about whether the town’s wider flood defences need to be deployed later in the week.