Frustrated police officers have issued a strongly worded message to riders and motorists on the island.

It comes after a number of bikers were caught speeding at the notorious Ramsey Hairpin on Saturday before the roads were closed for the Manx Grand Prix (MGP) action.

Despite issuing several warnings online during the week about the force’s increased activity during the MGP race period, the Isle of Man Constabulary still handed out points and fines to three bikers early on Saturday.

The force released the photo of one biker involved in a stop as part of its online warning.

A spokesperson for the force said: ‘Nice motorcycle, not such a nice speed, and certainly wouldn't look so nice if it crashed at the speed it was ridden at.

‘This is the second of three people this morning at the Hairpin issued with an endorsable fixed penalty (points and fine) for speeding.

‘It's not all motorcycles either, this is just the only photo we could take!

‘It's 30mph for a reason! I mean it's not like we're here every day of TT / MGP.

‘Hitting someone / crashing at 30mph can be devastating if not fatal.

‘Hitting someone at the speeds we've clocked people at this morning will more than likely result in serious or fatal injuries.

‘Don't be that person.

‘We're island wide all day. Watch your speed, know your limits.’

Despite the message, the force provided an update less than an hour later, revealing that more motorists and riders and been caught committing further offences.

They included a car which was seized.

A spokesperson for the force said: ‘Seems like our last post hasn't impacted some people.

‘That's one car just seized having been driven without a licence, another four endorsable fixed penalties (Points and a fine) at the Hairpin for speeding, and a few more issued out island wide too, all within the last hour.

‘Our leniency will only go so far, pose a risk or danger, you'll be dealt with accordingly.

‘Please watch your speed! Drive to arrive.’