A number of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company sailings are at risk or disruption or even cancellation.

The company has updated its planned sailing schedule to reflect that trips onboard the company’s flagship the Manxman and its fastcraft the Manannan could both be affected by forecasted bad weather.

The Manannan operates the route between the Isle of Man and Liverpool while the Manxman journeys between Heysham.

All the sailings at risk are due to take place on Sunday.

They include the Manxman’s planned 8.15am journey from Douglas to the Lancashire port as well as its 2.15pm return.

Four Liverpool sailings on board the Manannan are at risk.

They are the planned 7.15am trip from Douglas as well as the 11.45am return.

The fastcraft’s afternoon sailings - due to depart from the island at 4.30pm and set off from Liverpool on the return at 8.30pm - are also at risk.

The Steam Packet says the sailings are all at risk due to the forecasted weather and a final call will be made on whether the sailings go ahead around one hour and forty five minutes before each trip is due to set off.

The forecasted weather has also impacted the planned Manx Grand Prix races.

No racing will now take place on Sunday as a result.