Wednesday’s afternoon sailing to Liverpool has been cancelled due to poor weather as Isle of Man Steam Packet provides more details about the Manxman damage.

The Manannan will not sail to Liverpool at 3pm which means the return sailing at 7.45 from Liverpool is also cancelled.

The 2.45pm sailing to Heysham on the Ben-my-Chree has been delayed until 5pm with the 8.15pm return journey delayed until 10pm.

The disruption is a major headache with the Manx Grand Prix underway.

A spokesman for the Steam Packet said: ‘Weather conditions continue to be problematic. Strong winds are contributing to significant wave heights in excess of safe limits for Manannan, therefore, today’s 3pm sailing to Liverpool, and its subsequent return has been cancelled.

‘In addition a yellow weather warning is in place for severe gales and coastal overtopping from 1am on Thursday, meaning further sailings are subject to disruption – including tonight’s delayed 8.15pm Douglas to Heysham sailing.

‘All passengers due to travel on affected sailings over the coming days are being informed by our reservations team of the changes to the schedules. Passengers with web accounts can make amendments to their bookings online.

‘Our reservations team will be happy to make changes to travel arrangements and confirm via email or phone where appropriate.

‘We are closely monitoring the weather forecasts and will keep the travelling public updated as far as possible.’

The Manxman after the incident in Heysham
The Manxman after the incident in Heysham (North Yorkshire Weather Updates)

Meanwhile, the Steam Packet has also provide an update on the incident involving the Manxman overnight.

The spokesman said: ‘Overnight (Wednesday, August 21) the Manxman sustained damage while docking at Heysham Port during its evening sailing from Douglas to Heysham. There were no injuries to crew members or passengers.

‘Passengers on board the sailing were provided complimentary beverages, while our teams worked to safely dock the vessel and assess damage in unseasonably challenging weather conditions. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank passengers for their patience.

‘In line with statutory and regulatory obligations, relevant authorities including the Marine Accident Investigation Branch have been informed.’

‘To minimise disruption to our services, Ben-my-Chree, already in Heysham providing additional freight cover for the Manx Grand Prix, was used to accommodate as many passengers as possible and complete the delayed 2.15am crossing from Heysham to the Isle of Man.

‘Contingency plans have been activated and will see Ben-my-Chree and freight vessel Arrow maintain passenger and freight services respectively to minimise disruption across sailings while repairs are conducted on Manxman to allow it to re-enter service. Manannan will continue to operate its scheduled services as far as possible.’

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