Four Manxman sailings have been cancelled over the previous two days due to adverse weather conditions.

Last night's 7:45pm sailing from Douglas to Heysham was cancelled due to strong winds, which meant the proposed return journey at 2:15am was also cancelled.

This morning's planned 8:45am sailing to Heysham was also called off due to the continued weather conditions, so the 2:15pm return journey has also been cancelled.

These cancelled sailings have led to a disruption in postal deliveries, with all mail that was collected yesterday (December 6) not being dispatched to the island.

This mail will be dispatched on the next available sailing.

As things stand, this evening's 7:45pm sailing from Douglas to Heysham is set to go ahead as planned.

If you wish to keep up to date on the Steam Packet's sailing schedule, click here.