Advocate Maria Bridson has received an award for her work with victims of modern slavery.

Maria, of BridsonHalsall Advocates Ltd, was this year’s recipient of the Deemster Kerruish Endeavour Award, an award presented by the Isle of Man Law Society in memory of the late Deemster Kerruish.

The award was beautifully designed by local artist, Colleen Corlett, and was presented to Maria by Vicki Unsworth, president of the Law Society and Marianne Kerruish, wife of the late Deemster Kerruish, in front of Maria’s friends, family and colleagues.

A spokesperson for the Isle of Man Law Society said: ‘Maria was nominated for the award by her peers for the extraordinary work she continues to do for victims of modern slavery and human trafficking in the Isle of Man, a subject that Maria is fighting to bring to the attention of Tynwald and our island’s community.

‘The Isle of Man Law Society is extremely proud of Maria, who is most deserving of this recognition.’

Maria has provided legal representation to those who are the most vulnerable and marginalised, often working without financial compensation. Her work has given people the chance to rebuild their lives free from exploitation and abuse.

Colleagues describe her fierce determination for the preservation of human rights, the protection of the vulnerable and the ‘unheard’.

At her most recent presentation, compliance professionals gave her a standing ovation after hearing her harrowing accounts of migrants duped here by the promise of jobs that never existed, and left trapped by gangmasters in low paid employment and sub-standard accommodation.

That event at the Promenade Methodist Church, held the day before Anti-Slavery Day, was organised by the Association of Corporate Service Providers and the Alliance of Isle of Man Compliance Professionals.