Accountancy firm Deloitte has recruited seven young people from university and school.

Graduates Tara Donnelly, who studied accounting and finance at Loughborough University, and Marco del Val Fernandez, who studied politics, philosophy and economics at the University of Manchester, followed by a masters in economics, will be joining the audit team.

Joining the advisory team is graduate Ciaran Nye, who studied economics and finance at the University of Exeter.

Deloitte’s BrightStart scheme gives students who have just completed their A-levels to begin a career at the firm, without needing to go to university.

Joining the audit team after taking their A-levels on the Isle of Man are Ben Leith, James Collins and Mateline Pondoc.

Ben took A-levels in business studies, design and technology, information and communications technology and media studies at St Ninian’s High School.

James also took his A-levels at St Ninan’s, studying business, economics and information and communications technology. Mateline studied maths, chemistry and German at Ballakermeen.

Joining the advisory team as a BrightStart is school leaver Dylan O’Reilly who studied A-level maths, business and physics at Ramsey Grammar School.

Laura O’Sullivan Spiers, director at Deloitte Isle of Man, said: ‘We are excited to welcome our new joiners, who will bring fresh perspectives and energy to our dynamic team in the Isle of Man.

‘Here at Deloitte, we value the range of skills our new recruits offer and hope they enjoy their time with us. I’m looking forward to seeing them start their careers.’

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