A cocktail lounge fracas at 1886 Bar and Grill has cost a 23-year-old man a £600 fine.

Andrew Ian Burkitt admitted disorderly behaviour on licensed premises and was also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Peter Connick told the court that security staff at the Regent Street night spot had spoken to Burkitt on April 6, at 2.30am.

He was said to have been suffering from a bleeding nose and CCTV footage later showed that he had fallen over, landing on his face.

As he was being tended to by staff, Burkitt tried to punch another man.

An altercation ensued in the cocktail lounge and the two men had to be separated before security staff restrained the duo.

Burkitt was then said to have grabbed a bouncer by the neck of his jumper.

Defence advocate Joseph Burrows, who represented Burkitt, said that his client accepted the prosecution facts, and acknowledged that his behaviour had fallen below an acceptable standard.

Mr Burrows said that Burkitt’s grabbing of the bouncer had been reckless rather than deliberate.

‘He had one too many drinks and is embarrassed to be before the court,’ said the advocate.

Mr Burrows said that Burkitt worked in the finance sector and asked for credit to be given for his guilty plea and his co-operation with the police.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood gave Burkitt, who lives at Cronk Drean in Douglas, seven days to pay the fine and costs.