Rebecca House Children’s Hospice has announced that £31,531 was raised at its recent ‘Night of Vintage Circus’ gala dinner.

The gala was held at Woodbourne House with over 140 people in attendance, entertained by a circus troupe from the UK who performed acts such as a dagger throwing show.

An auction was also held on the evening to contribute towards the fundraising efforts.

All money raised will go towards the children’s hospice in order to continue providing care to the young people of the island who are affected by life-threatening or life-llimiting conditions.

John Knight, chief executive of Hospice Isle of Man, said: ‘The amount raised is very significant and we are truly grateful to all of those who attended and clearly had a great time.

‘It is also important to us that new friendships were forged with both individuals and corporate organisations who got to learn about the care that Rebecca House provides.’