A mother of a teenager who was killed a car crash 18 years ago, and went on to set up an organ donation charity in his memory, is looking at ways to help transplant recipients.

Daniel Boyde was just 15 when he lost his life after sustaining catastrophic head injuries in the accident near Ramsey in 2007.

His parents agreed to donate Daniel’s organs, a decision which ultimately saved the lives of four people.

Daniel’s mum Diane Taylor, of Ramsey, went on to set up Organ Donation Isle of Man in memory of the teenager.

Its initial target was to raise money to create a memorial garden at Noble’s Hospital to recognise organ donors for the gift of life they had given.

But now the charity wants to support transplant recipients as well. There are currently eight people in the island waiting for a life-saving transplant.

Diane said: ‘Up till now all the money from fundraising has gone towards providing memorial stones to recognise every Isle of Man organ donor to place in the memorial garden.

‘For 2025 the charity would like to support transplant recipients in some way.

‘They will have to travel off-island for their operations when the call comes. We know from talking to some recipients that they can be away for weeks and recovering at home for months after.

‘For some this can be a worrying time financially and with all of the other worries of maybe coping alone at home.

‘We have some thoughts already - maybe a bill we can help with, pay for a family member to visit whilst they are away, maybe a pet needs caring for while they are away or some home help whilst they recover.’

Diane said she would love to hear from recipients and their experience and from anyone waiting who is already worrying about coping.

Correspondence will be treated in the strictest confidence and can be sent to Diane at [email protected] or to [email protected]

The charity’s first fundraiser of the year was held last Saturday at the Palace Hotel. Called the The Enchanted Heart Ball it was organised to specifically raise money for recipients.

New legislation the Human Tissue and Organ Donation Act 2021- otherwise known as ‘Daniel’s Law’ - received Royal Assent in 2021.

It paves the way for the island to move to an ‘opt out’ system of organ donation. Preparations are under way to implement the Act.

Currently, if you want to donate your organs and tissue, you have to ‘opt-in’ in order to be considered as a donor.

Once Daniel’s Law is implemented, all adults in the Isle of Man will be considered to have agreed to be an organ donor when they die unless they have recorded a decision not to donate or are in one of the excluded groups.

You can find out more about Diane’s charity on the Facebook page Organ Donation Isle of Man - The Gift of Life and its website www.organdonationiom.com, or for other information visit www.gov.im/organdonation