There have been no pupils expelled from the island’s secondary schools in the past three years, the education minister has confirmed.

Last month it was revealed a staggering 2,432 school days have been missed by high school students in the island because of suspensions so far during the current school year. But, despite the worrying trend, that has not resulted in expulsions.

In response to a question from Arbory, Castletown and Malew MHK Jason Moorhouse, Education, Sport and Culture Minister Daphne Caine revealed there had been no expulsions over the last three years.

She said: ‘There have been no expulsions but schools can facilitate a child moving to a different school in exception circumstances.’

Mrs Caine said there has been two such moves in 2021-22, one in 2022-23 and none so far this academic year.

She added: ‘The department recognises changes in society and child behaviour. Our policies need to be reviewed and a new policy is being finalised with a focus on behaviour which will be implemented in September this year.’

Daphne Caine MHK (Other 3rd Party)

Last month, Mrs Caine revealed in an answer to a written question at the House of Keys that Ballakermeen High School, 1,123 days had been missed with 200 students receiving suspensions, while Queen Elizabeth II High School saw a significantly fewer number of 90 missed days from 39 pupils.

St Ninian’s High School amounts to 763 missed days, while Castle Rushen and Ramsey Grammar equal 203 and 253 days respectively.

The total number of days is a decrease from 2022/23 (2,691), but this year’s figures could increase from now until July when the current school year ends.

According to the Department of Education, Sports and Culture suspension of pupils policy and procedure, a pupil is only formally suspended as a ‘final step in managing challenging behaviour’.

The policy states that a student should only be formally suspended in response to the most serious violation of a school’s behaviour policy, or if allowing the pupil to remain in school risks serious harm to the education or welfare of the pupil or other pupils in the school.

An informal suspension is where a student is sent home for the rest of the day, for instance, if they need a ‘cool-off period’.

Speaking about the DESC’s findings in April, Mrs Caine said: ‘Initial analysis has shown trends across schools of increasing numbers of suspensions, particularly students who are being suspended more than three times in an academic year.

‘All pupils are individuals and each suspension is treated as an individual case. Following every suspension, the cause is addressed and where appropriate, an individual risk assessment is created.

‘It is important to note that pupils are taken through a process of reintegration when returning to school following a suspension.’

Three of the five high schools in the island have seen significant increases to the number of days students have missed through suspensions throughout the last three years (from 2021/22 to 2023/24).