PC William Quayle has been nominated for Isle of Man Newspapers’ Community Police Officer of the Year.
From Ramsey, Mr Quayle has been a part of the force for over two years and has been said to ’never switch off’.
Robyn Spencer, the mother of his child, nominated him for the award because of his attitude towards his work.
In her nomination she said: ’I would like to nominate [him] for all the amazing work he has done in the past two years.
’He’s spent most days working extra hours to cover the work needed and hasn’t missed a day off since joining.
’He has gone months on end during the pandemic without seeing his one-year-old daughter as I am high risk.
’Also, he has fought to maintain a positive outlook no matter how he felt and all the exhaustion from the last 18 months, which has been hard for most seasoned officers, nevermind those who were training.
’He forms healthy relationships with everyone he regularly deals with and I haven’t met anyone with a bad word to say about him.’
Ms Spencer, also from Ramsey, explained why she thought he was worthy of the nomination.
She said: ’Because I’m extremely high risk and have a lot of health problems, he went through each lockdown not being able to see his then baby who wasn’t walking but then she was when the first lockdown ended.
’He just couldn’t see her at all. That was really hard on him and he hasn’t taken a day off in the two and a half years he’s been working there.
’I was at the hospital a few weeks ago and on the way home he stopped the car and helped out a man with a head injury - things like that have happened quite a few times. He never switches off.
’Genuinely he was made to be a police officer.’
Mr Quayle, who started with the police in 2019 and only finished training in May of this year, said of the nomination: ’I know a lot of people have had to deal with not seeing family for extended periods of time, it’s been difficult for everyone, but the period where I couldn’t see my daughter was extremely hard.
’It means a lot to get nominated, but every officer out there deserves some form of recognition for what they do and for the sacrifices they have to make in their personal lives to do the job.’
l To nominate an officer, email the name of your chosen officer and your reasons for choosing him or her to newsdesk@ iomtoday.co.im. Entries close on October 22.