The Northern Civic Amenity Site joint committee has agreed to close its re-use shed with ‘immediate effect’.

The committee states that the shed is not being used for its ‘intended purpose’, and is causing a bottleneck at the site because people are staying longer than the recommended time or visiting multiple times a day.

Staff at the site are reportedly finding it ‘increasingly harder’ to monitor the area, with the board making the decision to close it for the foreseeable future.

This is the latest development at the site following the news back in April that Bride Commissioners would be pulling out and no longer ‘using, paying or working’ with the northern tip.

Operated by Ramsey TC, the cost for the local authority to run the site is based on the rateable value of the area – which Bride were ‘unhappy’ with.

The site has also recently reduced its opening days from seven to five, being closed now on Sundays and Mondays.