There will be emergency road closures in place on the section of Peel Road between Quarterbridge and Braddan Bridge for the next couple of evenings.

This is to facilitate the resurfacing of the road in the immediate vicinity of the roundabout closest to Braddan Bridge.

The road will be shut between 6.30pm this evening, Wednesday, and up to 6am the tomorrow morning.

It will then be closed again at the same time on Thursday or Friday depending on weather conditions.

A Department of Infrastructure spokesperson said: 'The surface of the road has recently deteriorated significantly due in part to the effects of icy conditions experienced earlier in the year.

'It has been identified that resurfacing is necessary for both everyday traffic, on one of the Island's busiest roads, but also to allow racing to go ahead at TT 2023.

'If weather conditions allow, the carriageway will be planed out and resurfaced on the first night, and then allowed to harden and cool.

'It will be reopened to daytime traffic on Thursday, April 27, with additional warning signs in place.

'The second closure will be to repaint the road markings on the resurfaced section of road. The weather forecast for Thursday suggests at the moment that it will be unsuitable for line painting. If this is the case and it can not be done on Thursday, the second closure will be arranged for Friday evening.'

Spring Valley Road between Saddle Road and Quarterbridge will also be closed to vehicles during the works.

Traffic from the west will be diverted at Saddle Road; with alternative routes being Strang Road or Braddan Road.

Traffic from the south will be diverted between Spring Valley Road and Peel Road, Braddan via Saddle Road.

Traffic between Douglas and the north and the south will be routed via Peel Road/Pulrose Bridge/Groves Road/Spring Valley Road.