Peel's newest sweet treat shop, The Gelatory, has opened its doors on East Quay.

Following successful ventures in Ramsey and Douglas, The Gelatory has expanded its offerings to the Sunset City.

The shop is open from 1pm to 9pm on weekdays, and from 11am to 9pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

And since their official opening last week, the small store has been swamped with customers.

And owner Rory Dorling took to Facebook to thank the people of Peel for welcoming Gelatory and for the ‘lovely comments’ they have received.

He said: ‘This weekend in Peel has been amazing, we have had so many lovely comments and people of Peel and the island really welcoming us to Sunset City.

‘I think we’ve had good wishes from the majority of neighbouring business along the Quay and Prom which has been so nice to hear and get such encouragement.

‘We’re delighted to have become part of the thriving Peel hospitality community.’

Following the opening, Gelatory told its customers that it’s having to slightly raise its prices due to significant cost increases, adding that ‘it’s a conversation many businesses in hospitality don’t want to be having with their customers’.

The detailed post said that due to a 40% rise in chocolate prices, and higher wages mandated by the Isle of Man government, the prices of cups and cones at Gelatory have risen by 20p and 50p on bricks, representing a 4.7% overall increase in key menu items.

Despite the increase, Gelatory ensures customers that its prices remain competitive and continues to emphasise value and quality, supported by a loyalty card program and upcoming new menu items.

And it appears customers remain happy regardless of the rise, with many gelato fans commenting in support of the business.

One said: ‘An excellently explained post and we wish you every continued success, times are tough for all independents right now’.

Another added: ‘No worries, your products are second to none, it’s worth every penny and all your staff are lovely!’