A software company in the island has given around £1.5 million away to charity.

AFD Software Ltd’s Postcode People, which deals with postcode software, invited about 90 chief executives and key workers from Isle of Man, UK and international charities to its offices near Ramsey.

The 24th annual event also welcomed Lieutenant Governor Sir John Lorimer and Lady Lorimer and politicians.

AFD Software says the event fulfils a ‘core company objective to generate profits, and to use them in the relief of suffering, the improvement of society and furtherance of the Christian gospel’.

This year, AFD’s donations will enable international development and relief projects, support for child education at home and abroad, protection of the environment, and key investments with organisations fighting modern slavery and child exploitation.

During the evening managing director David Dorricott said that faith drove all aspects of The Postcode People.

AFD welcomed three presenters who all grew up in the Isle of Man, and who all now relied on their own Christian faith in serving charities internationally, in the island, and in the wider British Isles.

Zoe Anderson spoke about her role with International Justice Mission, explaining their work to end human sex slavery and bring light into very dark places.

She showed statistics of the massive reductions in child cyber-sex activity in the Philippines following their interventions.

She was followed by Rachel Harrop who spoke about Manx Wildlife Trust’s care of the Isle of Man’s ecology.

Rachel focused also on MWT’s internship and education programmes which empowered young people to engage on environmental issues.

Samantha Catchpole told how the charity Transforming Lives for Good worked with churches to provide food for children during school holidays and give them the opportunity to thrive.