Plans to build more than 30 homes on land in Andreas has been given the go ahead.

It has taken a year-and-a-half for the proposals, submitted in December 2022, by Kelproperties to be approved which will see 31 properties built off Oatlands Road with eight of them affordable homes.

Work will now start on the scheme in September this year with two of the eight affordable homes being three-bedroom properties and the other six having two bedrooms.

There will also be six three-bedroom terrace houses, two three-bedroom semi-detached houses, four three-bedroom semi-detached houses, one three-bed detached house, two three-bedroom detached houses, six three-bed semi-detached houses and two four-bedroom bungalows.

There had been objections from neighbouring residents and businesses who raised concerns around drainage and traffic volume but planners gave the development the green light in May this year.

Bosses at Kelproperties say they are relieved to have clinched planning consent for the development.

Finance director Phil Ellis said: ‘We’re delighted to have finally obtained planning consent on this brownfield, derelict site after years of trying.

‘It’s great news for the north of the island, providing much needed high-quality family and affordable homes.

‘This great news comes within a week of seeing our three sponsored sidecar teams win the first and dominate the second sidecar race in this year’s TT.’

How the homes at a new development in Andreas will look
How the homes at a new development in Andreas will look (Kelproperties)