The site of a former and much-loved motor museum could soon be used to build three terraced homes.
The Manx Motor Museum at Glen Vine was run on a voluntary basis by retired engineer Richard Evans but closed a number of years ago.
Mr Evans lived in a cottage next door with wife Stella but the couple sadly died in January last year.
The museum was known for its Rolls Royce and Bentley cars as well as more futuristic-looking models such as the Ikenga MK lll, De Lorean and even prototypes which never were never mas-produced.
While the museum building has long gone there remains a garage at the back.
PNJ Properties has now submitted an application to build three terrace properties on the land which it owns.
The planning statement says: ‘The proposal is to construct a terrace of three dwellings within the footprint of the building that was the previous Manx Motor Museum and set on the frontage line of the adjoining terrace of the Glen Vine Cottages.
‘The dwellings are designed to fulfil the needs that have been expressed to the applicants for compact moderately priced dwellings for either local young persons or as a starter home and to be suitable for retiring people from the area who wish to downsize and remain in the area and within the community that they have lived in.
‘The site is also close to the local facilities, bus routes and has access to the local shops and the facilities of Peel, Douglas or wider on the island by bus.’
The terraced homes will each be two storeys with two bedrooms.
The application will be considered by the planning committee in due course.