Police are urging dog owners to take more care when out and about after an increase in bite incidents.

Officers say some of the injuries they have come across to both people and other dogs are ‘awful’.

In the most serious cases, owners could be fined, their dogs destroyed and they could even be banned from keeping pets again.

Posting online, Isle of Man Constabulary said: ‘We have had an increase in the number of reports received linked to dogs biting people or other dogs and we urge owners to take more care when out in the community with their dogs.

‘If you are found to have a dog that has been causing a danger or nuisance that you can be ordered by a court to keep said dog under proper control, have it removed from the neighbourhood or in certain cases the animal destroyed.

‘If the owner fails to adhere to the control measures then the courts can order the destruction of the animal and/or a disqualification from keeping further animals.

‘Some of the injuries that we have seen caused to people/dogs who simply walked past are awful and if it was a young child could be life changing.

‘Please think about the control you have over your dog and where you are walking them if they are reactive.

‘Take appropriate measures to prevent harm yet enjoy walking your loved pets.’