Tributes have been paid to former Tynwald member and Ramsey Town Commissioner Leonard Singer who has died at the age of 80.

Mr Singer was first elected as member for the House of Keys in Ramsey in 1996 and served the constituency until 2003 when he became an MLC and then served as MHK for Ramsey again between 2011 until 2016.

Outside politics, he was well-known as chairman of the Friends of Ramsey Cottage Hospital and campaigned tirelessly to improve services and facilities there.

He was a leading member of the island’s Jewish community and played an instrumental role in organising the annual Holocaust memorial service,

Chief Minister Alfred Cannan said: ‘Leonard Singer was a committed local and national politician who cared deeply for Ramsey and his constituents. He was a strong supporter of Ramsey Cottage Hospital and his contribution will be missed.

‘My thoughts are with his family and friends at this time.’

Treasury Minister and Ramsey MHK Dr Alex Allinson said: ‘Leonard was very much a career politician who dedicated his time to the people of Ramsey; as a respected local pharmacist, Commissioner, MHK and supporting Ramsey Cottage Hospital.

‘But he was also instrumental in organising the annual Holocaust memorial service and involving young people to participate; ensuring that the importance and modern relevance of genocide was always remembered.’

Tynwald president Laurence Skelly said: ‘Leonard was a truly dedicated politician who served both Ramsey and the island with distinction. He was a strong and effective campaigner and in particular he worked tirelessly for Ramsey Cottage Hospital.

‘Tynwald sends sincere condolences to Caroline and all his family and friends.’

Health Minister and Ramsey MHK Lawrie Hooper posted on X: ‘This is sad to hear. Leonard was a decent guy who genuinely cared about Ramsey and the island.’

Following a lengthy term as a councillor in Stockport between 1973 and 1986, Mr Singer moved to the island in 1989 and set up Singer’s Pharmacy.

He was elected to Ramsey Town Commissioners three times, his latest term starting in July 2021, and he served as chairman between 1995 and 1996. Mr Singer first stood as a national politician in 1996 when he was elected as MHK for Ramsey and won the seat again in 2001.

But then in 2003 he stood for, and elected to, the Legislative Council, only to resign in 2006. He unsuccessfully contested the Keys seat in Ramsey in 2006 but was re-elected to the constituency in 2011.

He served as deputy Speaker of the House of Keys between 2013 and 2016.

Mr Singer never served as a minister but had numerous government roles over the years including as member of the departments of Health, Infrastructure and Economic Development.

After unsuccessfully contesting the House of Keys election in Ramsey in the 2016 general election, he had a brief break from politics before returning to the Commissioners in 2021 as representative of South Ward. He made a final bid to return to the Keys in the 2021 general election.

Chairman of Ramsey Town Commissioners Alby Oldham said: ‘Leonard was an enthusiastic and dedicated member of the board who had played an active role in politics for more than 50 years including three terms at Ramsey Town Commissioners where he was chairman in the year 1995-1996.

‘On behalf of the board of the Commissioners I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to Leonard’s family and friends.’

Mr Singer was modest about his achievements but proud of all he did be it the safety of children walking to school or the re-introduction of ‘cats-eyes’ on the Mountain Road.

There was controversy too - in 2013 there was criticism when it was revealed he had secured a place in sheltered housing in Ramsey, despite earning over £50,000 as an MHK.