The Manx government will continue to pay for television licences for people aged over 75.

The BBC has funded licences for pensioners who qualify for income support since January this year. This position is not under review.

The Manx taxpayer will pay for those who don’t receive income support until the end of 2022.

The Howard Quayle administration guaranteed funding of free TV licences for all over 75s in the island for this year, allowing the new administration to consider the position in the future.

A decision has now been made to extend universal provision of free TV licences for all those over 75 for another year. This will enable a review to be undertaken and options for introducing additional eligibility criteria to be explored.

Treasury Minister David Ashford MHK said: ’It is important we make this commitment, allay any anxiety and be clear that provision will remain in place for a further 12 months.

’Consideration will now be given to how provision may look in the future and an update will be made in due course around any conditions which may be established.’