The Isle of Man Green Party is set to hold its annual conference in Ramsey next week.
A spokesperson from the Green Party said: ‘It is free to attend and open to the public.
‘It represents an opportunity for the party to raise the profile of the expertise and knowledge of inspiring individuals in the Isle of Man, as well as engaging with some of the fundamentally-important concepts and ideas of our time.’
Three guest speakers will attend the conference to give 20-minute speeches on specialised subjects.
Helena Cicmil, a senior communications consultant, will provide a talk on ‘the turning tide of corporate climate action worldwide’, while Jason Bissell, a former strategic advisor and managing director In the island, will speak about artificial intelligence and its growing influence worldwide.
Dr Matthew Warren will conclude the conference with his talk: ‘Learning over the edge - the idea of sustainable crisis in higher education’.
Free tickets for the event are available to get online by searching: ‘Eventbrite Isle of Man Green Party Conference 2023’.