Motorists who leave their engines running in stationary vehicles can be fined up to £500, it has been confirmed.

In Tynwald on Tuesday Bill Henderson MLC (pictured) asked Chief Minister Howard Quayle about what plans there were to prohibit motorists leaving engines running ’when there is no good reason’ and whether plans included fixed penalty notices.

Mr Quayle said it was already an offence to leave a vehicle engine running without cause.

Parked vehicles should not be left unattended with the engine running or have the engine running for longer than necessary when the vehicle is stationary.

Under the Manx highway code, he said, drivers are advised ’it is acceptable to leave the engine running while waiting in traffic’.

The maximum fine is £500 in the courts.

The Infrastructure Department is looking to prioritise ’future legislative changes needed for motoring matters’ and will review the position on fixed penalties for the offences, said Mr Quayle.

Ann Corlett (Douglas Central) asked: ’Is any consideration being given to creating specific no idling zones surrounding schools?’

Mr Quayle said leaving engines running in idling vehicles was already illegal.

’There is a fine for it. I would hope going forward and, if it is not already happening it is disappointing, that people are prosecuted and given spot fines if they have left a vehicle running.’