A number of the new members of Tynwald have been appointed to serve as members and chairs of government departments, statutory boards, and other public bodies.
A small number of further appointments are still under consideration, and many are subject to Tynwald approval.
Appointments to government departments are as follows:
Department for Enterprise: Rob Callister MHK, Ann Corlett MHK, Peter Greenhill MLC, Tim Johnston MHK.
Department of Education, Sport and Culture: Claire Christian MHK, Marlene Maska MLC.
Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture: Claire Christian MHK, Dr Michelle Haywood MHK.
Department of Health and Social Care: Ann Corlett MHK, Joney Faragher MHK, Dr Michelle Haywood MHK.
Department of Home Affairs: John Wannenburgh MHK.
Department of Infrastructure: Tim Glover MHK, Kerry Sharpe MLC.
The Treasury: Bill Henderson MLC, Sarah Maltby MHK, Andrew Smith MHK.
Communications and Utilities Regulatory Authority, Non-voting Tynwald member: Ann Corlett MHK.
Isle of Man Office of Fair Trading: Chair: John Wannenburgh MHK, Vice Chair: to be confirmed.
Isle of Man Post Office: Chair: Chris Thomas MHK, Vice Chair: TBC.
Manx Utilities Authority: Chair: Rob Callister MHK, Vice Chair: Peter Greenhill MLC.
Public Sector Pensions Authority: Vice Chair: Kate Lord-Brennan MHK, Employer representative: Rob Mercer MLC.
Appointments to other public bodies: Armed Forces Champion: Juan Watterson SHK. Culture Vannin: Chair: Chris Thomas MHK, Vice chair: Marlene Maska MLC.
Preservation of War Memorials Committee: Chair: Daphne Caine MHK, Vice Chair: Juan Watterson SHK.
Planning Committee: Chair: Claire Christian MHK.